A sustainable future for one of the last remaining Kentish Ragstone quarries.

Help secure 190 high-skilled jobs and the save the Kentish Ragstone industry

Kent County Council’s Minerals and Waste Local Plan consultation has now closed. We are still very happy to hear from supporters of Hermitage Quarry and those wishing to share their views and register for further updates.

Hermitage Quarry has been shortlisted by Kent County Council as the most suitable option for a hard rock quarry. This will secure 190 high-skilled jobs and help preserve England’s historic buildings.

Hermitage Quarry, operated by Gallagher Aggregates, is one of the last two remaining quarries for Kentish Ragstone, which has been part of England’s buildings for over a thousand years, from Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London, to Rochester Castle and Kent’s parish churches.

Gallagher Aggregates is a leading supplier of construction materials. We meet 15% of South East England’s hard rock requirements and deliver £14 million of social value impact locally, through employment opportunities, skills development, and community engagement. We have a proven track record of restoring land to an enriched biodiversity standard and are proud of our commitment to championing carbon reduction.

We believe that the continuation of Hermitage Quarry represents the most viable, realistic, and sustainable solution to Kent’s mineral needs.

This webpage is a platform for supporters. We will make sure to submit your supportive comments to the Council on your behalf. By completing and submitting your personal data, you agree that your details can be passed to the Local Planning Authority (Kent County Council) as part of the planning application process.

supporters form

If you want to share your views and stay up to date with the proposals, you can register for updates by filling in the form below.

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